Electric Rates
Electric bills are based on a customer's rate class and the amount of electricity consumed. Every electric bill is broken down into three categories:
- Customer Charge is a fixed fee charged to all customers for using Painesville power, regardless of usage.
Residential Within City Limits |
Residential Outside City Limits |
2024 | $15.00 / month | $16.95 / month |
2025 | $15.85 / month | $17.90 / month |
2026 | $16.70 / month | $18.85 / month |
2027 | $17.55 / month | $19.85 / month |
- KWH Charge is the actual number of kilowatt hours that you consume multiplied by the rate per kWh. The City of Painesville has a progressive rate structure, so as the number of kilowatt hours you use increases, the rate per kilowatt hour decreases. A detailed explanation of our rates can be found in Section 929 of City Ordinances.
Residential Within City Limits | Residential Outside City Limits | |
2024 | 10.015 cents / kWh | 11.317 cents / kWh |
2025 | 10.460 cents / kWh | 11.820 cents / kWh |
2026 | 10.925 cents / kWh | 12.345 cents / kWh |
2027 | 11.072 cents / kWh | 12.511 cents / kWh |
- Power Cost Factor is based on our actual cost to produce or buy the electricity that we deliver to you. The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) occurs on a monthly basis and can change due to the market or major events effecting the wholesale power supply. Once the power cost factor is established it is multiplied by the total number of kilowatt hours that you use.
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
2023 | 0.012605 | 0.014037 | 0.014939 | 0.016613 | 0.016464 | 0.016365 | 0.017520 | 0.019240 | 0.020534 | 0.022183 | 0.022073 | 0.022863 |
2024 | 0.022733 | 0.024171 | 0.025273 | 0.024799 | 0.024895 |
0.023626 |
0.023060 | 0.022472 | 0.022171 | 0.021647 | 0.021183 | 0.019169 |
2025 | 0.018576 | 0.019263 |
- Commercial and industrial rate tables can be found in Section 929 of City Ordinances
Water Rates
The City of Painesville charges for water by the cubic foot, not the gallon. One cubic foot of water = 7.48 gallons. We bill in units of 100 cubic feet of water, so each unit of billed water = 748 gallons of water.
- Water Improvement Fee is a monthly uniform fee for all customers. It is used for system maintenance: to repair and replace water lines, maintain the water plant and make general improvements to deliver the safest quality water.
Meter Size | 5/8" | 1" | 1 1/4" | 1 1/2" | 2" | 3" | 4" | 6"+ |
2024 | $14.00 | $15.75 | $87.50 | $131.25 | $175.00 | $210.00 | $262.50 | $306.25 |
2025 (proposed) | $14.00 | $15.75 | $87.50 | $131.25 | $175.00 | $210.00 | $262.50 | $306.25 |
2026 (proposed) | $14.00 | $15.75 | $87.50 | $131.25 | $175.00 | $210.00 | $262.50 | $306.25 |
2027 (proposed) | $14.50 | $15.50 | $90.00 | $135.00 | $190.00 | $220.00 | $270.00 | $315.00 |
2028 (proposed) | $15.00 | $16.25 | $95.00 | $140.00 | $200.00 | $225.00 | $275.00 | $320.00 |
2029 (proposed) | $15.50 | $17.00 | $98.00 | $144.00 | $204.00 | $229.00 | $279.00 | $324.00 |
Proposed = pending City Council approval
Current Water Rate is billed per 100 cubic feet of water in accordance with Section 933.19 of City Ordinances.
Effective Date: | Within City Limits: | Outside City Limits: |
January 1, 2024 | $3.31 | $4.93 |
January 1, 2025 | (proposed) $3.31 | (proposed) $4.93 |
January 1, 2026 | (proposed) $3.31 | (proposed) $4.93 |
January 1, 2027 | (proposed) $3.51 | (proposed) $5.22 |
January 1, 2028 | (proposed) $3.72 | (proposed) $5.54 |
January 1, 2029 | (proposed) $3.94 | (proposed) $5.87 |
Proposed = pending City Council approval
- Monthly Minimum Charge is the minimum charge you are billed no matter your consumption. Most residential customers are serviced with a 5/8” water meter. Some residential and business customers who have a greater demand for water volume (like irrigation systems) have 1” water meters. Larger businesses have water meters up to 6” in size with much higher minimum charges.
Meter Size (min charge)
5/8" 4 units
1" 9 units
1 1/4" 12 units
1 1/2" 16 units
2" 24 units
3" 40 units
4" 80 units
6" 140 units
8" 200 units
2024 (city) 2024 (outside)
$13.24 $19.72 |
$29.79 $44.37 |
$39.72 $59.16 |
$52.96 $78.88 |
$79.44 $118.32 |
$132.40 $197.20 |
$264.80 $394.40 |
$463.40 $690.20 |
$662.00 $986.00 |
2025 (city) 2025 (outside)
$13.24 $19.72 |
$29.79 $44.37 |
$39.72 $59.16 |
$52.96 $78.88 |
$79.44 $118.32 |
$132.40 $197.20 |
$264.80 $394.40 |
$463.40 $690.20 |
$662.00 $986.00 |
2026 (city) 2026 (outside)
$13.24 $19.72 |
$29.79 $44.37 |
$39.72 $59.16 |
$52.96 $78.88 |
$79.44 $118.32 |
$132.40 $197.20 |
$264.80 $394.40 |
$463.40 $690.20 |
$662.00 $986.00 |
2027 (city) 2027 (outside)
$14.04 $20.88 |
$31.59 $46.98 |
$42.12 $62.64 |
$56.16 $83.52 |
$84.24 $125.28 |
$140.40 $208.80 |
$280.80 $417.60 |
$491.40 $730.80 |
$702.00 $1044.00 |
2028 (city) 2028 (outside)
$14.88 $22.16 |
$33.48 $49.86 |
$44.64 $66.48 |
$59.52 $88.64 |
$89.28 $132.96 |
$148.80 $221.60 |
$297.60 $443.20 |
$520.80 $775.60 |
$744.00 $1108.00 |
2029 (city) 2029 (outside)
$15.76 $23.48 |
$35.46 $52.83 |
$47.28 $70.44 |
$63.04 $93.92 |
$94.56 $140.88 |
$157.60 $234.80 |
$315.20 $469.60 |
$551.60 $821.80 |
$788.00 $1174.00 |
Sewer Rates
Sewer charges are based on actual water consumption. We arrive at your monthly sewer charge by multiplying the total number of units of water used by the sewer rate. The minimum charges for sewer billing are 4 units for a 5/8” water meter and 9 units for a 1” water meter.
Effective Date: | Per 100 Cubic Foot |
January 1, 2024 | $5.91 |
March 1, 2025 | (proposed) $6.50 |
January 1, 2026 | (proposed) $7.15 |
January 1, 2027 | (proposed) $7.51 |
January 1, 2028 | (proposed) $7.89 |
January 1, 2029 | (proposed) $8.28 |
Proposed = pending City Council approval
Fees & Penalties
- Utility Deposits: When a customer sets up service for a residential property, a deposit is required by the City of Painesville at the time of set up. If the occupant has a prior outstanding balance with the City from a previous residence, a new service cannot be placed in their name until that balance has been paid in full. Commercial and industrial customers should call the Utilities Billing Office at 440-392-5797 for more information.
- For residential electric service, $100 deposit is required
- For residential water, a 5/8" meter requires a $75 deposit and a 1" meter requires a $85 deposit
- Late Fee: Utility bills are due every month as stated on your bill. After a seven (7) day grace period, a 5% penalty fee will be assessed for the unpaid amount of the bill for the current billing period. Mark that calendar and avoid late fees! For those who are able, auto pay is a great way to avoid late fees.
- Returned Check Fee: Any payments returned by the bank will automatically be redeposited if applicable and a $10 returned fee will be incurred. If the payment is returned again (a second time), regardless of reason, charges will be applied back to the account and a $10 returned payment fee will be incurred. The returned payment is immediately considered past due and will be eligible for disconnect in the next shut off period.