
Painesville Farmers Market


Parks & Recreation
It's Hot Dog day at the Painesville Farmers Market! Free hot dog lunch to the first 250 visitors. Plus special guests... the Cleveland Guardians' Hotdogs! They'll be in Painesville Square, 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Vote for the winner of the hot dog race! Select Ketchup, Mustard or Onion for your chance to win 50/50! Tickets are 1 for $1 or 6 for $5. 50/50 Raffle run by the Downtown Painesville Organization, proceeds benefiting future community events.
See the Recreation table at the market to purchase tickets and vote! Or early vote by contacting Justin Gollin at 440-392-5907 or [email protected]

Painesville Square
1 Liberty St,
Painesville, OH  44077
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