Notice of Legislation Passed at the October 7, 2024 City Council Meeting
Notice is hereby given that Painesville City Council adopted the following legislation on Monday, October 7, 2024:
- ORDINANCE 30-24 – An Ordinance to approve and adopt the 2024A Codified Ordinances including new matter contained therein, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 09.16.24, 2nd Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
- ORDINANCE 31-24 – An Ordinance amending the District Map and the Setback Map referred to in Section 1113.03 of the Painesville Code of 1998 rezoning Permanent Parcels Number 15-D-001-0-00-030-0, 15-D-001-0-00-031-0, and 15-D-001-0-00-032-0, located at 178 First Street from R-2, Multi-Family District to B-2, General Business District, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 09.03.2, 2nd Reading 09.16.24, 3rd Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
- ORDINANCE 32-24 – An Ordinance to vacate Turney Court containing approximately 0.07 acres, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
- ORDINANCE 33-24 – An Ordinance amending appropriations and to authorize additional inter-fund transfers and advances the current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Painesville, State of Ohio for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 and adopting the operating budget, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
- ORDINANCE 34-24 – An Ordinance to authorize the provision of a Real Property Tax Abatement for a project located at 70 Richmond Street within the Community Reinvestment Area #5 for the purpose of encouraging the creation of new jobs within the city and authorizing the execution of the related Community Reinvestment Area Agreement, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 50-24 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to submit an application and enter into an agreement with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency for Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative Planning Grant application for South St. Clair Street streetscape and safety improvements, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 09.16.24, 2nd Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 51-24 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, including any and all ensuing change orders, with the lowest and best bidder for chlorine room foundation, structural, and storage tanks, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 52-24 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to apply for and accept an OCJS Ohio Violent Crimes Grant, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 10.07.24 PASSED 6-0)
A copy of the complete text of each piece of legislation, upon request, can be viewed at the Clerk of Council’s Office.
Samantha DanielsonClerk of Council