Painesville Water Pollution Control Projects Receive Environmental Review Approvals
The City of Painesville received Limited Environmental Reviews (LER) and Finding No Significant Impact (FNSI) determinations from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency in connections to their application to finance two projects through the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF).
The WPCLF provides financial assistance for the planning, design and construction of improvement to community water systems and non-profit non-community public water systems. The program is jointly managed by the Ohio Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance (DEFA) and Ohio EPA's Division of Drinking and Ground Water.
Kiwanis Recreation Park Lift Station Project
The project is intended to increase the storage volume of the lift station capacity by expanding the existing wet well to allow Painesville to maintain compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The total estimated loan for the project is $469,649, with construction scheduled to begin summer 2024 and be completed in three months.
Kiwanis Recreation Park Lift Station is located in eastern Painesville, along White Ash Drive. While the lift station’s pumps are adequately sized to handle peak flows, the existing wet well has a relatively small operating volume of 2,675 gallons, and no backup generator or other onsite means for emergency operation of the station. Additionally, the lift station has operation and maintenance (O&M) issues related to limited access for cleaning the wet well and removing debris from the bar rack. The proposed project will allow Painesville to maintain compliance with its NPDES permit by addressing the need for improved storage and conveyance of wastewater flows to Painesville Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). The WPCP can easily accommodate, without expansion, the flows being conveyed from this lift station.
The Kiwanis Recreation Park Lift Station project will take place within the fenced area of the existing lift station, which includes extensive prior excavation, buried utilities, concrete and lawn grass, that otherwise supports no wetlands, forested areas, or aquatic habitat, and includes the construction and installation of the following:
- New 3,200-gallon wet well adjacent to the existing dry well
- 3-foot elevated generator pad and 150 KW diesel generator
- Two access manholes
- Restoration activities related to fencing, sidewalks, pavement, and grass
Anaerobic Digester Improvements Project
The project is intended to improve existing infrastructure by installing a new digester mixing system and cover to ensure effective treatment and operation, allowing Painesville to maintain compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The total estimated loan for the project is $1.3 million, with construction scheduled to begin autumn 2024 and be completed in twelve months.
Evaluations at the Painesville Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) have shown that while Digester #2 was refurbished in 2005, Digester #1 requires improvements. Anaerobic digesters help to break down organic waste. Digester #1 has a floating cover that is in poor condition and is past its useful life. Additionally, the digester’s mixing system is no longer efficient and needs replacement.
The Anaerobic Digester Improvements project will take place within the active facility of the Painesville WPCP, which includes above and below ground wastewater treatment structures, extensive prior excavation, buried utilities, concrete, gravel, and lawn grass, that otherwise supports no wetlands, forested areas, or aquatic habitat. Construction and installation include the following:
- New mixing system, electrical conduit, and cleaning
- New digester cover replacement
- New gas flare, piping, and flow meter
- Replacement of concrete stairs
- Restoration activities for all disturbed areas of concrete, gravel, and lawn grass