Splash Pad Groundbreaking in Kiwanis Recreation Park
A new Splash Pad for families is coming to Painesville City’s Kiwanis Recreation Park. The groundbreaking ceremony was held on Thursday, October 19 to kick off the start of construction of this new amenity for residents.
The 2,315 square foot aquatic play design by Water Odyssey, showcases a colorful display of water shooting features including water coils, dump buckets, water arches, jet sprays, an orbit spray feature, spin brella, two water shooters and a water worm. The Splash Pad design is compatible for children of all ages, from toddlers to tweens, and is ADA compliant to ensure access for all.
“We’re excited to expand our amenities in Recreation Park,” said Public Lands Director Michelle LaPuma. “Painesville is a community with many young families. The Splash Pad is a perfect getaway for summer afternoons, where families can bring their young ones in a safe environment and just relax.”
In preparation for construction, the City installed a new water line and sanitary sewer line to the Splash Pad location in the park. Equipment installation will begin in November 2023 and last roughly three weeks. Final installations and testing will occur in the spring prior to the grand opening on Memorial Day weekend 2024.
“This project would not be possible without the support of City Council and help from our state elected officials and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR),” said City Manager Doug Lewis. “State Senator Jerry Cirino, State Representative Jamie Callender and Representative Daniel Troy assisted the City in making sure this amenity came to our residents and would be an asset in Lake County.”
To make the Splash Pad a reality, the City of Painesville received funding from multiple sources including $100,000 from the State Capital Budget, a $30,270 NatureWorks grant by ONDR and $100,338 from the City’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The remaining costs were covered by the Painesville Water Department and the City’s General Fund.
Once complete, the Painesville Splash Pad will open Memorial Day through Labor Day, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily. The Pad will have sensors to save water when not in use.