Notice of Legislation Passed at the May 20, 2024 City Council Meeting
Notice is hereby given that Painesville City Council adopted the following legislation on Monday, May 20, 2024:
- ORDINANCE 18-24 – An Ordinance amending appropriations and to authorize additional inter-fund advances for the current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Painesville, State of Ohio, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 and adopting the operating budget, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
- ORDINANCE 19-24 – An Ordinance to authorize additional cash advances of funds for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Painesville, State of Ohio during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
- ORDINANCE 20-24 – An Ordinance establishing a 12 month moratorium on the acceptance and processing of applications for zoning and/or certificate of compliance approvals for small box discount stores and the issuance of such approvals in the City of Painesville, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 27-24 – A Resolution authorizing the City of Painesville, Ohio, to proceed with the demolition of an unsafe structure located at 563 Lawnview, in the City of Painesville, Lake County, Ohio, and to request the assistance and cooperation of the Lake County Land Reutilization Corporation in effecting the same, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 04.15.24, 2nd Reading 05.06.24, 3rd Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 28-24 – A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers, Inc. to provide partial funding support using opioid settlement funds for a peer recovery support group for individuals being treated for opioid use, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 29-24 – A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an amendment to the Vic Place Development agreement on behalf of the City of Painesville (“seller”) and a land purchase agreement with Vic Place, LLC (“purchaser”) to purchase approximately 1.3 acres of real property located at 66 South St. Clair Street in order to provide parking for the renovation and redevelopment of 100 South Park Place into a mixed use residential and retail restaurant building, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 30-24 – A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a subrecipient agreement with Grand Riverwalk, LLC (“developer”) to provide the funding available through the Brownfield Remediation Grant agreement ODSA-2022-190298 for site revitalization at 257 East Main Street, Painesville, Ohio as approved by the Ohio Department of Development, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 31-24 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise and to enter into a contract, including any and all ensuing change orders, with the lowest and best bidder for police patrol car upfitting and outfitting, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 05.20.24 PASSED 6-0)
A copy of the complete text of each piece of legislation, upon request, can be viewed at the Clerk of Council’s Office.
Samantha Danielson
Clerk of Council