City Sidewalk Program – Ward I Trees

As some of you are aware, in 2018 City Council passed the Painesville City Sidewalk Program, a two phase infrastructure improvement plan aimed at improving walkability in the community. During Phase 1 (2018-ongoing), city staff replaced damaged sidewalk slabs that fell under city responsibility and removed any trees in the tree lawn that were deemed hazardous to sidewalks or infrastructure.

Phase 2 (2020-2021), has property owners replacing sidewalk slabs that fall under their responsibility and any trees in the tree lawn that may be deemed hazardous to those sidewalks. Starting in April 2020, Ward I will begin this process with tree crews out removing affected trees. A letter was sent to each property owner who has an affected tree in their tree lawn. Painesville Electric tree crews and the contractor, VanCuren Tree Service, will be out in community over the coming months. Please do not be alarmed if you see either tree crew out. There will be no need for anyone to ever enter your home.

All questions regarding the sidewalk program can be directed to Dan Joyave, Engineering Technician at [email protected] or visit for more information. Thank you.