Notice of Legislation Passed at the December 18, 2023 City Council Meeting

Notice is hereby given that Painesville City Council adopted the following legislation on Monday, December 18, 2023:



  1. ORDINANCE 28-23 – An Ordinance to make appropriations for the current expenses and expenditures of the City of Painesville, State of Ohio for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 and adopting the operating budget, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 11.20.23, 2nd Reading 12.04.23, 12.18.23 3rd Reading PASSED 7-0)
  2. ORDINANCE 29-23 – An Ordinance amending the District Map and the Setback Map referred to in Section 1113.03 of the Painesville Code of 1998 Rezoning Permanent Parcel Number 15-B-002-0-00-037-0, located at 160 S. St. Clair Street from R-2, Multi-Family District to DD, Downtown Development District. (1st Reading 11.20.23, 2nd Reading 12.04.23, 3rd Reading PASSED 7-0)
  3. ORDINANCE 30-23 – An Ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 192 in order to update the City income taxes ordinances so that they are in compliance with Ohio House Bill 33, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)
  4. RESOLUTION 68-23 – A Resolution approving the amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the former Hospital Site known as Permanent Parcels 15-B-002-0-00-002-0, and 15-B-002-0-00-005-0, and 160 S. St. Clair Street known as Permanent Parcel 15-B-002-0-00-037-0 and authorizing and directing the City Manager to record said amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions as a deed restrictions on the property, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 11.20.23, 2nd Reading 12.04.23, 3rd Reading PASSED 7-0)
  5. RESOLUTION 69-23 – A Resolution authorizing the transfer of property located on East South Street to Payne and Payne Homes, Inc. and authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract with Payne and Payne and to sign a limited warranty deed to them, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.04.23, 2nd Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)
  6. RESOLUTION 70-23 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, including any and all ensuing change orders, with the lowest and best bidder for filter repairs and replacement, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)
  7. RESOLUTION 71-23 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to apply for and accept funding from the Ohio State Fire Marshal’s Office Equipment Grant, for the purpose of purchasing portable radios, batteries and chargers, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)
  8. RESOLUTION 72-23 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the asphalt resurfacing of Liberty Street from SR84 to Washington Street, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)
  9. RESOLUTION 73-23 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, including any and all ensuing change orders, with the lowest and best bidder for the Rehabilitation of Sanitary and Storm Sewers on Liberty Street, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)
  10. RESOLUTION 74-23 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, including any and all ensuing change orders, with the lowest and best bidder for the Reconstruction of Reed Avenue, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)
  11. RESOLUTION 75-23 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to apply for and accept funding from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, for the purpose of purchasing and installing street trees along the City’s public right of way, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 12.18.23 PASSED 7-0)

A copy of the complete text of each piece of legislation, upon request, can be viewed at the Clerk of Council’s Office.

Samantha Danielson
Clerk of Council