Painesville to Host 2018 Ohio Junior Little League Tournament
Little leaguers and their families will be ‘sliding’ into Painesville July 21-27 for the 2018 Ohio Junior Little League Baseball Tournament. Seven districts in the 13 to 14 age bracket are scheduled to play the tournament in Painesville’s Kiwanis Recreation Park, 301 Latimore Street. An estimated 120 junior athletes are expected to attend, bringing along their families, coaches and fans.
“We are excited to be hosting such a large state tournament and look forward to showing off beautiful Recreation Park and the City of Painesville,” said Steve Hubbell, parks supervisor for Painesville.
Tournament games are scheduled to be played on Diamonds 1 and 2.
Painesville’s Kiwanis Recreation Park is no stranger to little league baseball. It has been home to Painesville Little League (PLL) since 1952 and currently has around 400 players ranging in ages 4 through 16. The organization also charters a Little League Challenger team for athletes with disabilities and special needs.