Notice of Legislation Passed at the February 21, 2024 City Council Meeting

Notice is hereby given that Painesville City Council adopted the following legislation on Wednesday, February 21, 2024:

  1. ORDINANCE 04-24 – An Ordinance to approve and adopt the 2024 Codified Ordinances including new matter contained therein, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 02.21.24 PASSED 7-0)
  2. RESOLUTION 08-24 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to enter into contracts with the lowest and best bidders for furnishing materials, supplies and services to various departments/divisions of the City of Painesville, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 02.05.24, 2nd Reading 02.21.24 PASSED 7-0)
  3. RESOLUTION 09-24 – A Resolution authorizing the City of Painesville, Ohio, to proceed with the demolition of an unsafe structure located at 172 Second Street, in the City of Painesville, Lake County, Ohio, and to request the assistance and cooperation of the Lake County Land Reutilization Corporation in effecting the same, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 02.21.24 PASSED 7-0)
  4. RESOLUTION 10-24 – A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to cooperate with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the resurfacing of SR-44 from SR-84 to SR-2 in the City of Painesville, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 02.21.24 PASSED 7-0)


A copy of the complete text of each piece of legislation, upon request, can be viewed at the Clerk of Council’s Office.

Samantha Danielson
Clerk of Council