Groundbreaking of Highland Park Development in Downtown Painesville

On Friday, April 12, Painesville City Council and representatives from Payne & Payne Builders, hosted a groundbreaking ceremony at 73 E South Street for the start of the highly-anticipated Highland Park development. The groundbreaking highlighted two parcels of land which are part of Phase 1 of the development of the larger property of the old Lake East Hospital site. The two-block city property became vacant when the hospital system moved to Concord in 2009.
“This is a very exciting day for the City of Painesville,” said City Manager Doug Lewis. “Over the last 15 years, the City has tried to work with a number of developers, planners and builders to bring a quality product to this property, that met some of the historic features of the neighboring homes and tied in with the downtown area. Payne and Payne out of Chardon has a stellar reputation of high-quality homes and they are a local business, which makes it that much better.”
As part of Phase 1 of the project, Payne & Payne will build two model homes at 73 and 83 E South Street. One property will feature a one-story ranch and the second will feature a two-story home. Home prices are slated to start in the low-to-mid $300,000 range and are expected to be completed by summer 2024.
“We’re really looking to utilize some innovative building systems on this project,” said Project Manager Brett Dawson. For the Highland Park project, Payne & Payne is using a leading-edge modular home system, where 80-90 percent of the home is built in a factory and transported to the final site. Once set on top of a foundation, on-site builders add garages, stair panels, wooden frames, and finishing details.
Based on the success of Phase 1, Phase 2 of the development will launch additional single-family homes on High Street and S St. Clair Street. Phase 3 would include a mix of single-family homes and townhomes on the lots off E Washington Street and Liberty Street.
Home concepts feature varying architectural styles that blend with the existing neighborhood and historic nature of the area.
Councilmember Christine Shoop, Payne & Payne Project Manager Brett Dawson, Council President Jim Fodor, Councilmember Mario Rodriguez,
Payne & Payne VP Mike Payne, Councilmember Paul Hach, Council Vice President Nick Augustine, City Manager Doug Lewis 
Payne & Payne Project Manager Brett Dawson, VP Mike Payne, Project Supervisor Nick Mueller, Assistant Project Supervisor Jack Teranova