Notice of Legislation Passed at the September 3, 2024 City Council Meeting
Notice is hereby given that Painesville City Council adopted the following legislation on Tuesday, September 3, 2024:
- RESOLUTION 45-24–A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into an Industrial Facility Expansion Agreement for an economic development incentive electric rate with PCC Airfoils, LLC for the purposes of development at 870 Renaissance Parkway, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 09.03.24 PASSED 6-0)
- RESOLUTION 46-24–A Resolution approving the creation of a special revenue fund, #252 - Unclaimed Funds for the 2024 Operating Budget, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 09.03.24 PASSED 7-0)
- RESOLUTION 47-24–A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 09.03.24 PASSED 7-0)
- RESOLUTION 48-24– A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to submit an application and enter into an agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission for funding for the West Eagle Street Roadway Reconstruction, and declaring an emergency. (1st Reading 09.03.24 PASSED 7-0)
A copy of the complete text of each piece of legislation, upon request, can be viewed at the Clerk of Council’s Office.
Samantha Danielson
Clerk of Council