City Facilities Re-Open to Public on March 8

All Painesville City facilities, excluding the Painesville City Fire Department, will re-open to public foot traffic beginning Monday, March 8. Visitors will once again be able to pay their utility bills at City Hall or visit our offices for appointments. We still encourage everyone to utilize our COVID-friendly options, like our drop boxes, email, phone or online bill payment.


Each building will have a sign clearly listing the max number of visitors allowed in a area. If you exceed this number, you may be asked to wait outside until room becomes available. The City and the Lake County General Health District are in close communication regarding all COVID-19 precautions and guidelines, which are subject to change.


A few exceptions to the re-opening:

  • The Fire Department will remain closed to foot traffic for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's important to protect our frontline employees from being exposed at the station.
  • The Painesville Water, Waste Water and Electric Plants remain closed to tours for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's important to keep these essential services as unexposed as possible.
  • City Council will continue to host virtual live streaming meetings until further notice. Watch them live on our website or @CityofPainesville Facebook page.